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How to Create a New User Account

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As a reseller, you often create new accounts to accommodate new clientele for their websites, emails or both.

The exception will be if you are migrating new clients from an existing provider. They will already be on an existing account, and the entire account will migrate over.


Click here for cPanel instructions.

Click here for DirectAdmin instructions.


Follow these steps to create a new user account in cPanel WHM:


1. Log in to your WHM account.
For instructions on how to log in to your WHM account, please click here.



2. Once logged in, click Create a New Account under Favourites.



Note: You can also access this function on the left-hand side panel. Click Account Functions, then click Create a New Account from the dropdown list.



3. You must fill out the form divided into five sections.


Domain Information


Domain: The primary domain associated with the account.

Username: The username you want for the account.

Password: The password you want to set for the account.

Re-type Password: Confirmation of the password.

Strength: The strength of your password. You can also utilise the Password Generator tool to create a password. (You can change passwords later.)

Email: The email you want associated with the account for System Notifications. Resellers often put their own so they can better manage their clients. In contrast, others have it set to their clients’ email addresses.




Choose a Package: You can select a package with assigned resources to allocate to this account. (Please see this guide here to create a package in your WHM.)

Select Options Manually: This will run you through the options of manually creating a new package or setting individual resources for this account.




cPanel Theme: The theme you want the account to use (mainly for aesthetics and navigation).

Locale: The language you want the account to use.

Enable Apache SpamAssassin: This option is required for our incoming spam filter to work. 

Enable Spam Box: This feature will only work if SpamAssassin is enabled. It delivers spam emails to the spam folder. If not enabled, you will not receive emails marked as spam. We recommend enabling this option in case legitimate emails are marked as spam.


Mail Routing Settings


This setting allows you to manage your email routing. 

Automatically Detect Configuration: It will detect the routing method depending on which MX records are set.

Local Mail Exchange: It will route the emails to the server/account locally.

Backup Mail Exchanger: This is where the email will be stored until the primary exchange mail is available.

Remote Mail Exchanger: This should be set up if the emails are hosted on another server (i.e. external email service, Office365, GSuite and so on).

Note: Depending on whether emails are hosted externally, you will most likely use the local or remote option.


DNS Settings


Enable DKIM on this account: This will enable the DKIM record to be configured automatically upon account creation. (DKIM is an authentication method to verify senders of the domain, and it is recommended to enable this feature.)

Enable SPF on the account: This option cannot be modified and will create the SPF record upon account creation. It is also an email authentication method.

Use the nameservers specified at the Domain’s Registrar – Leave this option unticked, as this will be done on the registrar level.


4. Once you have completed all the information above, click the Create button. 



5. You can view the new account under List Accounts.



Follow these steps to create a new user account in DirectAdmin:


1. Log in to your DirectAdmin Reseller account.
For instructions on how to log in to your DirectAdmin Reseller account, please click here.



2. Once logged in, click Add New User under Account Manager.



3. You must fill out the Create User form below.


Username: The username you want for the account.

E-mail: The email you want associated with the account for System Notifications.

Password: The password you want to set for the account.

Domain: The primary domain associated with the account.

User Package: You can select a package with assigned resources to allocate to this account. (Please see this guide here to create a package in your DirectAdmin Reseller.)

IP: By default, it will be assigned to the IP of the server you are on. You can select another IP/option from the dropdown box if you have a dedicated IP attached to your account.

Send E-mail Notification: Enabling this option will notify the email specified earlier regarding the account creation.


4. Once you have completed all the information above, click the Submit button.



5. A notification will appear advising the new user account creation.



6. You can view the new user account under Show Users.



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